Friday, February 15, 2013

Vanguard Alta Pro 263AGH Aluminum Tripod with GH-100 Pistol Grip Ball Head

Vanguard Alta Pro 263 offers so few: extensive accessories, and unlimited possibilities (and most importantly) always a stable stand.

In detail: the accessories include a pistol grip ball head with GH 100, carrying case and Stonebag. The pistol itself is almost perfectly, even if you have to say that he is. Partially arg is taut (not the ball joint, because that is adjustable, but the handle itself) The carrying case has a sturdy tripod and swallows the velvet mounted pistol grip, so it's no disassembly required. Derdiedas Stonebag is a good complement, because there you can throw in all while taking pictures of utensils lens cover to car keys and nothing is lost.

To stand: 2.5 kg with its ample weight quite easily, and the stand looks very stable build immediately. So you have to not be afraid to pinch his camera out. All screw and locking members are smooth but surely, only the installation of the gun handle has made me wonder: no matter how hard you locked the handle itself, it requires a few practice runs, until you have established a grip on yourself so hard that he to the actual operations of the ball joint is not loose and eventually moved. Impractical, but bearable. Speaking of pain: when mounting the camera and make absolutely where one holds out his fingers. The arrest of the bracket snaps around quite suddenly and the small lever to open a whole can properly hit on the thumb. I find a bit awkward attaching the pistol grip own level below the camera mount: the examination is possible only with abmontierter camera.

To the legs: solved very pleasing and clever is the tiltable center column. In combination with the almost freely movable and lockable legs here virtually all angles and positions for any recording possible. You have to consider briefly how to put the stand in the correct position and you can macro from the floor via vertical experiments to the long exposure of the night sky really photograph everything. The lower part of the stand has its own level. Also worthy of attention and practical: the feet can be changed any time by simply unscrewing between spikes and rubber feet.


CONCLUSION: I'm admittedly not a professional photographer, my images are pure leisure, occasionally Catalog and occasional portraits. In this sense, to me says more than 263 AltaPro to: it may be all I need is stable, sufficient light and flexible than any other tripod I've used before. In combination with the pistol grip is all really pleasant to use and makes a non-working harder than it should be. Accessories and processing in my opinion are good to very good. Except for the above criticisms recommended wirlich.

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